LCGB Original Site
Lactation Consultants of Great Britain are the professional association for International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) in the UK. They have a large number of members who support breastfeeding mothers through private practice, on a voluntary basis and through the NHS.
LCGB needed a site update, they had outgrown their existing site and needed something easy to navigate with a clean professional look. They also needed a secure members area, online forms for membership applications, an events calendar, a searchable map and I am currently working with them on a Mailchimp account so they can send out newsletters and updates easily.
It was important to them that the site worked well on phones and tablets as well as on desktop computers so I’ve made it totally responsive – it resizes, stretches and rearranges itself depending on what you use to view it.
The LCGB board is made up of volunteers and because the roles can shift due to peoples personal circumstances I’ve made a series of tutorial videos, using the LCGB site so that anyone can learn how to update an event, add someone to the searchable map and edit any text they need to, as required. The goal was to make the LCGB as self sufficient in the running of their site as much as possible. I’m on hand for any technical changes or tweaks that need to be done.
We used the teal from the original site and the purple in the logo to create a colour scheme for the main site – the private members area uses purple as the key colour. The whole site has been designed collaboratively using Skype for team meetings and one to ones with key members of the website task force.
The Find an IBCLC page has an interactive map with pop up info boxes on each consultant listed. Clicking on the box will take you to a page that gives detailed information and you can search within a radius of any location in the UK.
Carefully chosen photographs help to get the message and purpose of each page across while keeping the clean and open look. The site is clearly organised into different sections and navigation is a lot easier than it was before.
I have really enjoyed working with LCGB. It’s been great working with lots of people on a job and I’ve loved the challenge of keeping everyone included and catered for.